Please read the guidelines before joining.
Rules for this server
Please do not say or do anything that makes others feel uncomfortable, or slander a specific user or group.
Excessive advertising is prohibited. (e.g., posting a series of messages, forcing others to watch, etc.)
Do not back up existing videos or distribute deleted works (except for your own videos or approved ones)
As a general rule, conversations not related to "It's All Your Fault" are fine, but please use #一般-未関連(general-unrelated) as much as possible.
The posting of R18 (including R18G) images is prohibited. Excessive text may also be deleted.
The posting of any personal information is prohibited.
In case of an altercation within the server, some action will be taken based on the "Steps if you violate the rules".
Steps if you violate the rules
Step 1: Granting roles
You will be assigned a role as a Note User.
Also, the nickname will be yellow.
Step 2: Temporary exit (kick)
When you come back, the nickname part will be red.
Step 3: Permanent ban
If you need help...
#お問い合わせ(Contact Us) in the Discord server
Please do one of them.